A warm welcome to Dr. Health managed by Dr. Heathir Naesgaard who specializes in Naturopathic medicinal treatments is one of the best Naturopathic Doctor North Vancouver has. Dr. Health clinic resides in North Vancouver, British Columbia. Dr. Naesgaard has been using her knowledge of naturopathic treatments and skills since May 1994. The clinic is a great success with her happy clients. We are a registered center with health and wellness being our top priority, and emphasis on quality treatments. We offer world-class treatment and cost-effective health care to help you. Our vast services include Homeopathy, Physical Medicine, Psychological treatments, Manipulation which includes correction of stress or connective tissues, Botanical treatments, Nutritional counseling.
Homeopathy treatments which are the most famous naturopathic medicine include ingesting substances in their whole raw form for better treatment. Homeopathy is a system that believes that the body can cure itself. People who practice this have a small intake of natural substances like minerals or plants. This form of treatment believes in 'Less is more'. Then comes Psychological services that include counseling, biofeedback, and hydrotherapy. Physical medicines use the treatment of soothing water, electricity, exercise or massages to give relief over pains or aches. Following it comes, Botanical medications, that are plant-based medicines that are high in nutritional value and have healing properties. Then we have Nutritional counseling services, which include planning specific diets rich with vitamins, minerals, and proteins to provide better health. Here at Dr. Health, you will be receiving professional and timely treatment with a specialized team of doctors.
Our other services contain Muscle pain therapy like ‘Bowen’ which is connective tissue and gentle muscle pain therapy. The procedure involves a series of moves on specific parts of the body. This helps to relax the muscles and tendons. Though Bowen therapy is light, it goes a long way in helping your body feel relaxed. The next one is Percussion therapy which involves vibrating your muscles rapidly by a machine. The high-frequency vibrations relieve any pain or stress from the muscles.
We also have services based on the model of ‘Eating right to have a healthy life’. This generally involves treating any allergies caused due to certain foods or diet issues. Allergies can be formed at any time and may cause various reactions. The best way to cure them would be to get yourself examined as to which foods cause these and take preventive measures for the same. So, do visit us for assured good health and best treatments. You can call and book an appointment on (604) 980-4181 or directly walk in and see a specialist.